
Controlling Complexity

  1. Data fetching patterns - balancing client and server with SWR and Next.js

    January 13, 2023
  2. Making impossible states impossible ft. Zod and Typescript

    December 19, 2022
  3. Art of debugging

    April 4, 2022
  4. Core principles of API Design - Part 2

    March 11, 2022
  5. Principle's of Automation Testing

    February 22, 2022
  6. Complexity of selectors in web development ft React

    January 16, 2022
  7. Functional JS

    January 4, 2022
  8. State, Time and Concurrency

    April 12, 2021
  9. Separation of concept and code

    April 6, 2021
  10. Under-Appreciated Skills of a Software Developer

    March 14, 2021
  11. Why React

    February 28, 2021
  12. Core principles of API Design - Part 1

    December 26, 2020
  13. Composition and React

    April 24, 2019
  14. The JavaScript Decision Tree

    January 9, 2019